“Mastery lies not in the capturing of a summit, but in a oneness with each detail of the experience.”

— John Gill, bouldering legend

The blog

Mental training is often overlooked as the most powerful way to take our ability as climbers - and humans - to the next level. That’s why we’re on a mission to elevate ideas and resources at the intersection of climbing and personal growth. On this blog you’ll find our favorite beta about everything from brain training and life coaching to holistic wellness and yoga - all for climbers. 

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Blake Cason Blake Cason

My 5 Keys to Mindfulness

“Blake, you’re thinking fast.”

Those words, patiently stated by my climbing partner, brought me back to reality.

This moment was a turning point in my understanding of mindfulness and self-awareness. For years I was convinced I could not meditate, my brain too fast and loud. But this experience of overwhelming fear (during a relatively safe climb) shook me deeply.

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