Thanks for joining ClimbWell April 2021!


This page is for registered participants only. We’ve taken away the pre-retreat logistics and replaced them with post-retreat resources, contact info, and of course rad photos! Please let us know if there’s anything missing here.


Have you filled out the post-retreat feedback survey?

If not, please do! We love your input and it will help us make ClimbWell even more awesome the next time around. There’s also an option to add a testimonial. Thank you!


The photos are here.

Yes, Nick and Bekah Andrews are amazing. Yes, they took cool photos of you climbing. Yes, you can post them on Instagram now.

Just remember to tag and credit @_nickandrew & @benditwithbekah when you post! (you can also #climbwell if you’re into that)

Post-Retreat Resources


Resources from Matt Berke, DPT

Matt has some thoughts and relevant resources, and if you have questions, please feel free to reach out here:

“Here is a list of podcast episodes that I have found really interesting and think would be valuable for the group. As you can see, I clearly have a long commute :)

Dave Macleod is one of the most skilled all-around rock climbers in the world and offers a humble, honest perspective when it comes to training, injury, performance, nutrition and pretty much everything. I found this to be a fascinating interview -

If you are interested in training for climbing or strength and conditioning in general you should look into Steve Bechtel's work. This was a great interview where he talks about his current training philosophy and how this has evolved through the years -

I touched a little on the complex relationship between the central nervous system. I think Natasha does a nice job of introducing and diving into some of the key ideas regrading pain science and our experience of pain. All done within a climbing context -

Keith Baar has done some nice research recently looking at the effect of loading on tendon and ligament tissue. He has also studied the effects of collagen supplementation on connective tissue. These are three very approachable interviews to develop a better understanding of how tendons function and how our training impacts tendon properties.


2. this discussion focuses on the utility of collagen supplementation -


Ready, set, nerd out!”

Resources from Prival

Partner Rescue May 14-16, 8 hour days.

If you are interested, please reach out ASAP to

“Objective: The 24-hour Partner Rock Rescue course is offered to previously experienced climbers to increase your self-sufficiency in the mountains. We hope to increase your technical skills to better anticipate and implement partner self-rescue in rock climbing terrain”

All sessions are conducted in a controlled environment with back up lines for students to repeat drills until comfortable.

  • I. Session #1: Self-rescue Primer (3hour)

  • II. Session #2: Ropes, knots, hitches and devices for rescue (3hour)

  • III. Session #3: Rope ascent, descent & lowers (3hour)

  • Scenario Practice +

    • IV. Session #4: Load transfers and hauling systems (3hour)

    • V. Session #5: Top-Belay Management (3hour)

    • VI. Session #6: Top-Rope Belay Management (3hour)

    • VII. Session #7: Leader Rescue Scenario (6hour)

Sponsor Resources


Beal Ropes


Beal was kind enough to sponsor several Unicore Ropes and the birdies! The unicorn technology is pretty rad. Learn about it here.


Want to message the group?

We’ve still got the WhatsApp group for folks who attended the April 2021 retreat!

Scan the QR code or join using this link.

The Schedule

Feeling nostalgic? We left the schedule here for you just in case.

The Menu

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